jueves, 8 de junio de 2017

いかないで (Ikanaide)


何でもないと口をつぐんだnandemonai to kuchi o tsugundaIt's nothing, I thought to myself.
ホントはちょっと足を止めたくてhontou wa chotto ashi o tometakuteThe truth is, I want to stop those footsteps for a moment,
だけどもきみは早足ですっと前を行くからdakedomo kimi wa hayaashi de sutto mae o iku karaBut you're gliding forward with such quick steps
ぼくはそれを見つめてるboku wa sore o mitsumeteruThat I simply watch.

最終便 きみは乗る ぼくを置いてってsaishuubin kimi wa noru boku o oitetteOn the last train, you board, leaving me behind,
はしりだす ゆっくりと 地面がずれていくhashiridasu yukkuri to jimen ga zureteikuGliding away. Slowly, the ground slides away.
泣いちゃだめ 泣いちゃだめnaicha dame naicha dameI shouldn't cry. I shouldn't cry.
でもホントは言いたいよdemo hontou wa iitai yoBut the truth is, I want to say out loud,
「いかないで」"ikanaide""Don't go."

遠くへと 消えていく ぼくを置いてってtooku eto kieteiku boku o oitetteIt fades out of sight, far far away, leaving me behind.
もう随分 見えないよ 夜が崩れていくmou zuibun mienai yo yoru ga kuzureteikuNow I can't quite see it anymore. The night crumbles apart.
泣いちゃだめ 泣いちゃだめnaicha dame naicha dameI shouldn't cry. I shouldn't cry.
でもホントは言いたいよdemo hontou wa iitai yoBut the truth is, I want to say out loud,
「いかないで」"ikanaide""Don't go."

祭りも終わればいつもと同じmatsuri mo owareba itsumo to onajiWhen the festival is over, everything'll be the same.
変わらぬ夜が来るんだと知ったkawaranu yoru ga kurunda to shittaThe same night as ever would come, I knew that.
だけどもきみはいつもよりずっと色っぽく見えてdakedomo kimi wa itsumo yori zutto iroppoku mieteBut you looked so much more alluring than usual
ぼくはそれを見つめてるboku wa sore o mitsumeteruThat I simply watched.

時間だけが 過ぎていく ぼくを連れてってjikan dake ga sugiteiku boku o tsuretetteTime alone is passing, carrying me along.
帰り道 暗いけれど 一人で大丈夫かなkaerimichi kurai keredo hitori de daijoubu ka naThe way home is dark, but I guess I'll be okay by myself.
街灯に 照らされて 影ができているgaitou ni terasarete kage ga de kiteiruThe street lamp shines on me, making a shadow.
一人ぼっちさhitoribocchi saAll alone.

遠くへと 消えていく ぼくを置いてってtooku eto kieteiku boku wo oitetteIt fades out of sight, far far away, leaving me behind
完全に また今度 夜が滲んでいくkanzen ni mata kondo yoru ga nijindeikuCompletely. Once again, the night spreads itself out.
泣いちゃだめ 泣いちゃだめnaicha dame naicha dameI shouldn't cry. I shouldn't cry.
でもホントは言いたいよdemo hontou wa iitai yoBut the truth is, I want to say out loud,
「いかないで」"ikanaide""Don't go."

泣いちゃだめ 泣いちゃだめnaicha dame naicha dameI shouldn't cry. I shouldn't cry.
でもホントは言いたいよdemo hontou wa iitai yoBut the truth is, I want to say out loud,
「いかないで」"ikanaide""Don't go."

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